Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Wonderful White Time of the Year

 Sofie girl in a swimsuit and boots.
 Me with my pants up so they don't get in the snow.
 Preston and Bryn in our walk way which is covered!
 Preston, Syd, and Bryn freezing their butts off lying in the snow.
 Me, Syd, and Bubba trying to shovel snow for our hamster house.
 Bryn's red face with snow on her hat and my ear muffs.
 Sofie girl eating the snow.
 We were trying to shovel our drive way but didn't have much luck with all of it.
 Sydney kept tripping in the snow.
 Silly Syd with her funny face.
 I tried to pull Bryn on the sled but I kept moving in a circle and always fell.
 Bryn and Bubba being pulled on the sled by my momma.
Go Momma Go!!

What a fun day! We were snowed in with 13" of snow!! We are most likely out of school for an entire week!! Luckily our power didn't go out. We were all bored so we went outside and played in the snow. Then we came in and watched a movie. We were in and out but had a great time hopefully we can get out of our driveway soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Morgan, what cute pics, these will be fun memories and you have journaled it all. Great work, you little cutie...")
